Welcome Evening

The Welcome Evening will be held in the Mensa at the Berthold-Beitz-Platz on Monday, February 26, at 19:30 to which all registered participants are kindly invited.

You will receive your name tag as well as food and drink vouchers for the Welcome Evening during conference registration. Snacks, beer and soft drinks will be served. Do not miss the opportunity to register (08:00 to 19:00) and meet people in informal atmosphere.

Please wear your name tag which you have received during registration. Access to the welcome evening is only available to registered participants.

Begrüßungsabend auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung der SAMOP in Hannover 2023 // Welcome Evening at the DPG Spring Meeting of the SAMOP in Hannover 2023 (© DPG / Benecke)
Begrüßungsabend auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung der SAMOP in Hannover 2023 // Welcome Evening at the DPG Spring Meeting of the SAMOP in Hannover 2023 (© DPG / Benecke)

Begrüßungsabend auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung der SMuK in Dresden 2023 // Welcome Evening at the DPG Spring Meeting of the SMuK in Dresden 2023 (© DPG / Daab)
Begrüßungsabend auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung der SMuK in Dresden 2023 // Welcome Evening at the DPG Spring Meeting of the SMuK in Dresden 2023 (© DPG / Daab)